Super-Powers of Successful People Friday, Jan 17 2014 

If you have ever spent time studying very successful people you may have noticed they all seem to have something in common. There is just something about them, like a super-power, but it’s invisible and not easy to define.

The most successful people share certain super-powers, or traits.  They have been found to have these strong qualities:

1. The power of passion

2. The power of creativity

3. The power of self-control

4. The power decision and action

5. The power of persistence

The Power of Passion

The expression,” if you can believe it, you can achieve it” tells us that a good idea alone is not enough. You have to believe in it. There are many intelligent people who would not be considered very successful. And there are many average people who have succeeded far above their circumstances because of their passion, their true desire to achieve their goals in spite of anything that tries to hinder them. If you can truly believe it with all your heart and soul, you can achieve it – you will succeed.

The Power of Creativity

Creativity does not just apply to writing a novel or painting a portrait or such; it applies to the life you create for yourself in all aspects: home, family, work, interests.  So much of your success will depend on how creative your solutions are.  Almost every great success story begins with one good idea. If you cannot think for yourself and imagine possibilities, you can only depend on what others before you have done. Their legacy is not yours.  Your legacy begins with your one good idea (or five!).

The Power of Self-Control

Power, when used incorrectly, can lead to failure.  By imposing your will on others using position, trust, knowledge, or wealth, may get the job done; but at the expense of your positive morals as seen by others. The power of self-control is really about the way you handle your thoughts and your emotions.  As you take action to focus and to positively manage your team and any obstacles you encounter, you will increase your ability to succeed.

The Power of Decision and Action

Studies have shown that one of the greatest causes of failure is lack of decision.  In working to achieve our goals, taking action first requires a decision to act on.  Studies have also shown that successful people make a habit of making decisions promptly with the correct information present, and only changing them when necessary.  You may need to rely on others for help or information, but make your decisions based on facts.  Once you feel you have those, take action. (see It’s Time to Take Action!)

The Power of Persistence

We all know and admire people who have failed and gone on to great success. Before he invented the electric light bulb, Thomas Edison failed more than 1000 times. He never saw it as a failure; he saw it as one more step towards succeeding. Henry Ford came from a poor background with no education, but he looked at the horse and buggy and saw the amazing cars we drive today.  Abraham Lincoln failed in business and in running for government several times, but we all know how he ended up.

Many of us give up too soon. Remember these famous words of a hero in horrible times:

“Never, never, never, never give up.” ~ Winston Churchill

At its best, your success will include these super-powers to achieve the goals you have set out to complete.

You have the passion as exposed through the practical phase of Wood Badge.  You have the creativity as written from your vision into your five ticket goals.  Continue to practice self-control as you manage your team to the success of a completed ticket.  Make educated decisions about the next steps you need to take to get you to the end, and take the necessary actions to get there.  And despite the obstacles that hinder you (procrastination, scheduling, program changes, deadlines, ie), never, never, never, never give up!

“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

You can be as successful as you desire to be!

Giving Thanks All Year Long Sunday, Nov 17 2013 

At one time or another you may have heard the phrase: ‘People do business with people they know, like and trust’.  It rings true in business, sales and service; and it also applies to volunteer organizations.  People are more inclined to volunteer for our cause when they know, like and trust us and our cause.

You have not accomplished your leadership goals alone – you have formed, developed, and worked with a team to help you accomplish all you set out to do.  Your teams were formed by people you know and who know you. They agreed to help you because they like you and wish to support your efforts.  And they trust that you will follow thru with your plan and appreciate their efforts of assistance.

Thanksgiving is the time of year when we stop our busy-ness and think to ‘give thanks’; however, we should be thankful year-round!  Just as the youth we serve thrive on immediate recognition, the adults we are working with do also.

Gratitude is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.  A simple act of appreciation can brighten the receivers’ day by lifting their spirits, provide acceptance and validation, inspire them to offer more of their gifts to the world, and motivate them to set and achieve their own goals.  Not to mention the positive effects showing gratitude has on the sender, such as improved physical health and mental alertness.

Showing gratitude does not have to be a public presentation, although this is important as well.  Express your appreciation with a personal conversation, a note of appreciation, a card for special occasions, or a meaningful gift.  A simple ‘Thank You’ delivered from the heart can mean the world to the receiver.

Be generous in expressing your appreciation; however, keep in mind that too much gratitude is as ineffective as too little.  Offering too much gratitude lessens its value and your sincerity, and offering too little lessens the receivers’ feeling of personal value they are bringing to the project.

When you appreciate others, your reputation and the respect your team and supporters have for you are strengthened.  Be sure to share the success of reaching your goals with all who have helped you achieve them!

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”   ~ John F. Kennedy

I appreciate you and your attention to this blog – and I hope you enjoy what you find on these pages!  THANK YOU!!

Following the Leader Wednesday, Sep 18 2013 

John and the Lost Boys

Following the leader, the leader, the leader;
We’re following the leader,
Wherever he may go.
Tee dum, tee dee, a teedle ee do tee day,
Tee dum, tee dee it’s part of the game we play…

~ John and the Lost Boys in Disney’s Peter Pan

If you have ever watched Disney’s Peter Pan, those lyrics should be familiar to you, and may ring in your ears whenever you think of leadership.

We have all heard that leaders should lead by example; that people will pay more attention to our actions than our words.  This is completely true.  What is implied by this truth, but not always articulated, is that people will follow whatever example we set.

To be a great leader we must make conscious choices to set the right examples – to lead in the directions we want people to follow.

Our team may follow our leadership and habits blindly, without question, if our direction will get them where they want to go. If we are leading, we may rely too heavily on instinct and habit.  Or worse, if we are not the assigned leader, we may not think at all, and assume that those who are leading are doing it well.  Perhaps they are.  Or perhaps we are all headed for a cliff.

Following blindly is dangerous for us as individuals, but can be even more devastating for us as leaders.  As leaders we are asked to lead people to a desired future.  It is rightly expected of us to do that with solid information and a planned approach.

Throughout history some of the greatest leaders were people of vision, people who saw something that others could not see, and shared their vision with the masses to improve the quality of life. A leader of people must understand that to be effective he has to show the people who follow him reason to trust that the vision will improve the quality of their lives and faith that they are headed in the right direction. In doing so, he rises to higher levels and accomplishes great things. When he loses sight of the challenge of being a great leader, he is destined to fail, for no one will follow a leader who is going over a cliff.

As you strive to bring your vision to life, you should keep in mind that you can be the great leader you wish to be. Your task is to take what you already know, that people follow the actions of leaders and not their words, and use it to your advantage.

Stop today to review the direction you are heading as a leader.  Review the choices before you and make the best one, based not on comfort or habit, but based on the future result you desire.

Make your choice and step boldly forward in that direction.  The combination of bold decision and action aligned with your words will be powerful, and will allow you to move people in the right direction.

All it takes is faith and trust….and maybe just a little bit of pixie dust!

Overcome Obstacles and Make Your Motivation Soar! Thursday, May 23 2013 

How does the motivator stay motivated when it is obvious he or she is encountering overwhelming obstacles?  Because the motivator knows that no matter who we are, we will all experience successes and

It is easy to stay motivated when we meet one goal after another.  We may even find it difficult to understand how someone can be disheartened themselves when life can be so good to us.  Then failures, problems and obstacles enter our life and it’s not so easy to remain motivated.

There are many ways to overcome your obstacles and make your motivation continue to soar; but, there is no one perfect answer for everyone – you must find it within yourself.

Understand what your obstacles are.  The reasons could be tangible (lack of time, assistance or resources), or they could be emotional (fear of failure, validation or confidence).  Think about what it is that is truly holding you back from the success you wish to experience.

Once you’ve determined what your obstacles are, ask yourself: what is the worse thing that could happen?  When put into perspective, the result of these events will probably not be the end of the world. Work through the obstacles as you work through your project plans – one step at a time.

Be confident in your values; your vision is valid; your mission is SMART.

Take action quickly.  Do not put off positive action no matter how small and seemingly insignificant.  The smallest success that stems from your action instills faith and belief in yourself and your ability to succeed.

Believe in your goals and in yourself and nothing can stop you!  Remember what it is you are striving for; and what you and your Scouting unit, or your family or job, will gain by achieving these goals.  If you do not believe in what you’re doing then you are on the wrong track and should return to your vision for reassessment.

Obstacles, like change, are inevitable; but how we deal with them is not.  We can choose to overcome our obstacles and be happy and successful; or we can allow the obstacles to overcome us and be sad and defeated.

“Press on. Obstacles are seldom the same size tomorrow as they are today.”  ~ Robert H. Schuller

We are over-comers – we are Wood Badgers!

Unleash Your Authentic Leadership Potential Sunday, Feb 3 2013 

Leadership is a unique form of human behavior that integrates character, knowledge and experience.  We experienced great personal growth in our leadership development during the practical phase of our Wood Badge course, and continue to  grow during the application phase as we work our tickets and in the opportunities all around us: in our Scouting roles, in our employment roles, within our families, and more throughout life.

Your journey to unleashing your authentic leadership potential continues with a greater understanding of self. Discover your personality traits and how they relate to leadership. When we know ourselves, we can maximize our positive traits, and become aware of our weaker areas, which help us to achieve our authentic leadership potential. Author and professional business consultant Ken Blanchard, in his book “The Heart of a Leader”, had this to say about good leaders: “If you want to know why your people are not performing well, step up to the mirror and take a peek.”

Be prepared to reveal your weakness, because you know you are not a super-hero.  Obviously this does not mean technical weaknesses or functional failings (these are things that can be learned, practiced, and perfected); what is meant is that we should reveal our unique personality traits and idiosyncrasies. Such admissions confirm to others that we are human, just as they are.

Understand and respond to your personal roles and responsibilities.  Manage yourself by reflecting on personal performance and progress often, ask for feedback on your personal performance and change your behavior to reflect more positive feedback when called for (Self-Assessment), be responsible for your own personal growth.

Once you understand and know yourself, next you must hone your communication skills. These are not limited to your public speaking skills. Communication includes your writing and presentation styles, and your body language. Your ability to communicate effectively enhances your ability to improve interpersonal relationships.  When discussing communication skills, Bob Kulhan, improvisation coach and an Adjunct Professor of Business and of Business Administration, tells us via the ‘Big Think’ forum: “Leaders have to be able to improvise on a daily basis, just simply to connect with each other and communicate with each other. For many people, these simple things, these soft skills, are actually the hard skills because there’s not an equation to be a great leader. There’s not an equation how to actually talk with somebody and communicate with somebody. It’s such an easy tool to support authentic leadership, bringing out the best of yourself. There is not a formula for a great leader. It has to come from you. You have all those X variables. It’s got to come from you, authentically.”  In other words, there is no formula for expressing authenticity, we have to know and allow ourselves to simply be ourselves.

Another important skill is to learn how to learn.  Examine different teaching methods and learning styles to identify how you and those you may lead learn best. This skill will greatly enhance your ability to make decisions and give clear instructions.  There are many theories from many psychologists on the different types of learning styles people have; and all have their merits.  However, for the sake of simplicity, start with the most common basic three: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. One program that encompasses this variety of learning and teaching is the Trainer’s EDGE training program of the BSA. The purpose of the course is to develop the platform skills of a trainer with a focus on the participant as the participant learns thru the ‘EDGE’ example: Educate, Demonstrate, Guide, Enable. Check for the course offering on your council’s calendar of events.

The steps to unleash your authentic leadership potential can be summed up in a few sets of brief bullet-points.  In his best-selling book, “Authentic Leadership: Rediscovering the Secrets to Creating Lasting Value”, author and former chairman and chief executive of Medtronic, Inc., Bill George draws from his impressive business experiences, as well as from those of leaders he admires and those he doesn’t, to illustrate his five dimensions of authentic leaders:

• Understanding why you want to lead
• Practicing solid values
• Leading with a heart
• Establishing connected relationships
• Showing self-discipline

These concepts should sound familiar.  Think back to the presentations during the last day of your Wood Badge course.  Remember the hints of the Greatest Leadership Secret:

• Lead from the inside out.
• Great leaders are great teachers.
• Build heart connections.
• It’s in every one of us.
• Leave a legacy.

What can you do if you unleash your authentic leadership potential?

You can change the world!!

It’s your move…

“This above all:
To thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.”

Hamlet, Shakespeare


Blessings for the New Year! Monday, Dec 24 2012 

As we count down the final days of this year to the dawn of the New Year, it is good to reflect on the events of the past; changes we have experienced within our family, job, leadership, etc; and of our personal development through continued learning, leadership, achievements, etc.

All of our experiences, the good and not-so-good, have brought us to where we are at this moment in time.  Remember them; recognize their significance; assess their outcome or current status; and continue on the path you feel you belong on.  With the New Year will come many new experiences of its own – Be Prepared for them!

How can you be ready for anything?  With strong personal leadership.  Personal leadership is the ability to lead others AND YOURSELF in the direction you want your life to take.  The ability to define what you want out of life and how you are going to get there is the first step in developing personal leadership.  (This sounds similar to the first steps you took when developing your Wood Badge ticket!)

This is only the beginning step because personal leadership means: leading, directing, and taking action. It means developing goals that you want so badly that you live each day with eager excitement for your goals, yourself, and all who are close to you. Knowing what you want out of life; knowing what success is to you, knowing what your goals are, knowing that you are going to achieve those goals regardless of what others think, say, or do, is the essence of personal leadership.

Personal leadership also means accountability. It means that you have decided to use the talents that are uniquely yours and will develop them further to reach your goals. It means you realize that you have the potential to develop further. It means that you have determined the actions necessary to your success and you will follow through; you are the leader of your life!

Personal Leadership

“Personal leadership is not a singular experience. It is, rather, the ongoing process of keeping your vision and values before you and aligning your life to be congruent with those most important things.”  ~ Stephen Covey

Thank You for being a blessing in my life in 2012!  Please take a moment to view the video 365 Days” of inspiration posted last year at this time.  I look forward with eager anticipation to your leadership successes in 2013!

I also look forward to seeing you and catching up on your journey at the Buckeye Council Wood Badge Reunion 2013 on March 10th!  Be sure to get your reservation in early, and share your intent to attend with your patrol-mates and all Scouters in your unit!

Happy Holidays!  And may your New Year be blessed with great success in all you do!

On, Brothers, On… Wednesday, Oct 31 2012 

The weekend right after our Wood Badge experience, Eagle Patrol member Paul Smith was on an outing for his Troop 935 Leadership Training event held at Beaver Creek Park.  If having a part in a youth leadership training event so soon after his own leadership training event wasn’t awesome enough in itself – read the experience Paul shares in his own words:

“We were privileged to be visited by two Eagles soaring through the creek valley early morning. I didn’t know Wood Badge offered such surprise visits!”

Paul shares that unfortunately he did not have enough time to get pictures (this one is a great stand-in!) – but what an inspiring sight this must have been – his fellow Eagle spirits of all Wood Badge pasts encouraging him on in the training of future leaders of Scouting and future leaders of America!!

That, my friends, is what it this is all about!!

Thank you for sharing, Paul!



It’s time to take ACTION! Monday, Sep 24 2012 

Some people are thinkers.  Some people are doers.  Some think about doing but never get anything done.  Here are a few ways to become a person of action; find the ways that work for you and be a successful doer!

Organization is essential.  Whether it is for Scouting, your home or in business, make a to-do list and prioritize it.  Put the most important items at the top, keeping your big rocks and little rocks in perspective; and each time you complete a goal or project cross it off and feel the satisfaction of achievement.

Larger projects are often best accomplished broken down into smaller tasks.  Place your project plan onto a whiteboard on the den wall, or simply a poster-board tacked to the closet door.  Break out each task necessary through completion, and celebrate the small successes along the way.  This gives you something to look forward to and gives you incentive to accomplish more.

When everything on the list is finished and you have met your goal, reward yourself big time!

Another plan to encourage action is to visualize your goal until you have the energy to do it.   Sit quietly, clear your mind of all other things and concentrate on your goal.  See yourself acting on the project in vivid detail.  Whatever the job entails imagine yourself doing each and every step.

Thoughts become energy as you focus your mind on one central thought.  This energy builds until you feel the energy pushing you into action.  You will build up so much energy you will be forced to act.  At that point, take action.  It could be just a small part of your overall project but let yourself be compelled to action.  The smallest successes that stem from your action fuels your energy, and leads to successful completion of the project as a whole.

Believe in your goals and yourself and nothing can stop you.  Focus on what you are striving for and what you and your Scouting unit, or your family, or your business will gain by achieving these goals.

Stay inspired.  You can do this by attending Scouting, family or business events, gatherings and seminars.  Reading inspirational books, or watching motivational videos or listening to audio courses are beneficial as well.  Your environment should consist of inspirational people and things.

A positive and successful attitude is imperative.  People are happiest when they know they are making a positive difference in whatever scale, large or small.  Associate with positive people.  You are the company you keep.

One of the great motivators of our time whom shared some of her words of wisdom with us during Wood Badge is Margaret Thatcher, who also said,

“Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end.  It’s not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it’s when you’ve had everything to do, and you’ve done it.”

Now is the time to take action and make your move!

Becoming a Successful Leader Monday, Sep 10 2012 

An important part of success in life is the ability to lead. It is important that we are not only be able to lead others but are willing to lead ourselves. No one succeeds in life by quietly following others. Sometimes we must forge a new trail for ourselves.

Being a good leader is more than being in front of the crowd. A leader must act. Too often, we simply accept that someone looks or sounds like a leader and too rarely do we actually look at the actions that leader performs – which is the true display of leadership.

In order to become good leaders ourselves, we need to concentrate on actions rather than appearances. Think of the following actions you must practice on a regular basis, and begin applying them immediately.

First, be alert to new opportunities. Reality is not absolute but rather subject to constant change. Think about inventors, explorers, and agents of social change who have achieved greatness. Some might say that certain people are successful because they are lucky to be in the right place at the right time. Maybe so, but if they didn’t have their eyes open for the opportunity, it would not have mattered if they were in that place.

Second, accept inspiration from wherever it comes; even your opponents. The wisest leaders constantly study their competition. Too often a certain study may concentrate on finding a weakness to exploit. If you want to be a leader of positive change, don’t fall victim to this trend. Instead, if you find a weakness, make sure to avoid that fault yourself. If you find strength, find a way to strengthen your own qualities to match.

Third, learn something new every day. This means you must continually seek to expand your horizons, internally and externally. Feed your mind with new lessons and knowledge, and expand your social horizons as well. Seek out and meet new people, grow your network. You never know when these new experiences will help you in your leadership role.

Fourth, search for and find answers in subtle clues. Look beneath the surface and constantly question. This is an extension of the third step in that you are seeking new knowledge. But this also means that you will need to step off the traditional paths of knowledge. Don’t simply read books in the literary classics or the bestsellers list. Take seminars rather than classes as there is more room for questioning and sharing.

Fifth, improvise if no existing solutions are available. No excuses. If you’ve never tried it before, you cannot know it won’t work. Remember, not all approaches need to come from the front. Look at your problem from all sides and attempt different solutions in various combinations.

Six, make at least one person you care about happy every day. If you make it a point to be thoughtful and caring for one person every day then soon this thoughtful, caring behavior will become a habit, and that habit will spread to others around you. Making someone else happy also nourishes your own personal happiness. Just imagine how much better the world would be if we all did a little bit more to spread happiness!

Seven, offer help, even if there’s no apparent advantage to you. This means more than giving money or possessions. It means giving of your time and energy and yourself. Sometimes it will mean helping someone you don’t know and sometimes it can be a very personal and rewarding action.

Finally, never let negativity be your last word. If your final words are negative, then no matter how hopeful you may be about the potential of a project or action, the lasting impression you give to others is one of negativity. Accentuate the positive and you are more likely to see a positive outcome. There is power in positivity!

Following these actions on a regular basis will not only help you be a better leader, it will also lead you to a more successful life.

“Do not go where the path may lead,

go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


Four Questions About Leadership Monday, Aug 20 2012 

The Greatest Leadership Questions

Does it Matter? What is it? Are People Born Leaders? Who is a Leader?

Why Does Leadership Matter?

Our parents universally hoped that their children would grow to develop leadership qualities.  They knew that leaders are people who are effective in what they do, are respected by others, and are often rewarded for their leadership skills in many ways.  It is in these formative years that, through our parents, we first saw leadership as desirable and important, something we wanted to be when we grew up.

When we were young, we looked up to people around us that inspired us; people that seemed like real-life heroes.  We consider these people leaders.

As we grew we began to relate leaders to their jobs – ministers, teachers, emergency personnel, military members.  And later government officers, Presidents, and CEO’s . . .

As adults these thoughts and experiences define why we think leaders have desirable traits, and why we desire these things for our children.

All of these experiences and thoughts help us define why leadership matters – it matters because leaders make a difference and can shape the future.  It matters because leaders are valued and valuable.  In everyone’s mind, leadership, especially when it is good, matters.

What is a Leader?

A leader is a person who sees something that needs to be done, knows that they can help make it happen, and gets started.

A leader sees a future that can be different and better, and helps others see that picture too.

A leader is willing to take risks today for something better tomorrow.

A leader sees opportunity and captures it.

A leader views change as their ally.

A leader knows they can’t do it alone.

A leader is a learner.

A leader is a communicator.

A leader is a coordinator.

A leader is a listener.

A leader is a coach.

A leader motivates and inspires.

A leader is an encourager.

A leader is passionate.

A leader values results.

A leader cares about more than results though; she cares about those who are following her lead.

A leader makes a difference in the lives of others.

A leader is all of these things and much more.

Are People Born Leaders?

Sure they are – everyone is born!

You might say that riddle-like answer misses the point.  You may say the real answer is that some people are truly born to lead.  But that common response implies that others are not born to be leaders.

So let’s examine that difference of opinion: when people describe someone as a “born leader” they typically mean that the person is motivating, a good communicator and charismatic.  And it is true; some people are blessed at birth with more natural ability in these ways.

But leaders can be great with different innate characteristics as well.  And there is no single small skill set that defines the perfect leader or guarantees success.

Everyone is born with a unique set of natural abilities.  And all of us can develop skills and styles to complement those natural abilities.

Who is a Leader?

People in certain roles are leaders, whether they’ve studied for the role, like a doctor, lawyer, teacher or minister… got elected to the role, like a county councilman, mayor, Senator or President… or worked up the through the organization like a supervisor, manager, Vice President or CEO.

You can ask most anyone the question “Who is a leader?” and those are the kinds of roles they will tell you.  They are right, of course.  But they are only partially right…

Leaders aren’t leaders because of a job title.  Leaders are leaders because they lead.

Which takes us back to a previous question: “Are people born leaders?” Yes, they are. But it isn’t just a few that have been blessed at birth or by random genetics.

We have all been picked – genetics has selected us all.  We were all born to lead, in our own way.

We may not be the Chairman of the Board.  We may not be the person on the stage.  We may not lead with rhetoric, charisma, or flair.

We may lead by compassion.  We may lead by example.

We all can lead.  We all have the ability to be remarkable leaders.

Leadership isn’t about position.  Leadership isn’t about power.

Leadership is about potential – your potential.

You are a leader.  Affirm and believe this to be true – it is.  Stake your claim and make a difference in the world around you.

Your opportunities for leadership are endless.  The rewards are boundless.

The answers to these four questions lead to a question for you…

Where will you lead?

Start at C4-436-12 Wood Badge for the 21st Century!



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